If you are interested about the internet and have a notion to learn more about it, then you are already aware of thre three eras of the web, right? There are three different eras of internet which are web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0. Each one of them have different features and unique abilities that have helped the people over the course of time. Where web 2.0 was driven by the power of mobile, social and cloud services, the foundation of Web 3.0 is built on edge computing, decentralised data and artificial intelligence. That is the major and most crucial difference between these two website eras.
PCs have recently reused data centers in Web 2.0, but the changes in Web 3.0 often bring data centers. Existing data centers are complemented by powerful computing assets across phones, computers, devices, sensors and vehicles and are projected to generate and consume more data by 2025 than in 2010. The use of web 3.0 also brings the convenience of accessing data and resources remotely from anywhere you want to. Thus, allowing you to access any file while traveling or from home.
A decentralized web network allows these data producers (from personal health data to farmer crop data to vehicle location and performance data) to delete data without losing control of their assets. In this way, distributed data networks can scale from the full length of data producers to the emerging “data economy”. The use of web 3.0 is one of the best way forward which is based on advanced data and technology that will be popular in the future.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, if not critical, are powerful enough to support prediction and measurement today. With new distributed data structures providing access to vast amounts of data that today’s tech giants envy, potential applications target areas like micronutrients, drug design, and climate modeling. The overall features of Web 3.0 is a way forward to perceive what the future holds.
Web3.0 is a smart beast. We use the power of big data and machine learning to create what we call the “Semantic Web”. It helps us to analyze and use data and user behavior to deliver a more personalized web browsing experience to the people. An example of this is advertising. Here, ads for products that may be of interest to you are tracked on the web.
Web 3.0 has a huge potential in the future and good use of it can help the people or other companies to become more efficient. Web 3.0 still needs some work to be done, but we can be sure of one thing and that it is going to help the people enjoy more reliable web services in the coming days.